How we coach Ep 4: Accountable Leadership

Accountable Leadership

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“You must be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way.” - John Wooden

In this episode we talk about how we coach and the different ways we strive to be accountable leaders.

Ep 4: Accountable Leadership Episode Summary:


- Accounting the blame to anything but ourselves.

- Always looking to shift the blame elsewhere

- Never critically reflecting on how we could have improved.


We define accountable Leadership as assessing our part in the problem and then finding the best possible solution.

- Instead of blaming others, we took ownership of the problems we faced.

1) Take accountability: It’s not the ref’s fault.

- We started using training sessions to play out a match situation where we told the children that we would purposely be making some random decisions as some officials might.

2) Lead by Example: Children copy actions

- If we want our children to show fair play, we demonstrate it ourselves.

3) Part of the problem: Am I complicit?

- If players turn up late, instead of saying: “Oh, not to worry”…

- We say: “We should always aim to be here on time, so we can make the most of our session”.

4) Reduction of our egos: We must aim to find the best way for the team, not our own way.

- Avoid the ‘disease of me’! Ask for feedback and be ready to implement it!

5) What you can and can't control.

- We can’t control external events, but we can control our responses to them.

- We can’t control the weather, but we can control how we prepare for it.

6) Plan, coach & reflect ♻️

- Plan: detail timings, equipment and key coaching points.

- Coach: deliver the session, keeping to timings and making relevant changes where necessary.

- Reflect: record honest thoughts on the session (which impacts your next plan).

7) Prioritisation

- “What is the ONE Thing you can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” - Gary Kelly

- E.g. Using a team building game to improve:

•Keeping calm under pressure

•Using positive communication

•Working together as a team

9) Culture of leadership (Choose your captain wisely)

- The captain you choose helps communicate your messages when you’re not there.

- Instead of choosing someone who is the most technically skilled, we choose a captain who leads by example with our messages.

10) Balance: we must aim to maintain balance when being accountable leaders.

• We Take accountability whilst empowering others.

• We lead by example whilst being realistic with our expectations.

• We remain firm but maintain flexibility where appropriate.

• We reduce our egos, without becoming passive.

• We control what we can but don’t get too hung up on the result.

• We reflect, but avoid dwelling on mistakes.

• Choose our leaders wisely and allow for mistakes.


- Now we’ve made the change to be accountable leaders, we find that we are much more able to effectively prepare our teams.

- It’s helped us to prepare for situations we know we can control.

- Best of all, we now see the children leading by example and being more accountable of their own actions.


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📚 Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

📚 One thing Gary Kelly

📚 Damian Hughes: Barcelona Way

📚 Jocko Willink and Laif Babin: The Dichotomy of Leadership

📚 John Wooden: Leadership

📚 Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends aip’

📚 CAROL DWECK: Mindset


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